Latest posts six columns

Distinctively exploit optimal alignments for intuitive bandwidth. Quickly coordinate e-business applications through revolutionary catalysts for change. Seamlessly underwhelm optimal testing procedures whereas bricks-and-clicks processes.
Why South Africa needs a wealth tax now
Why South Africa needs a wealth tax now
Progressively maintain extensive infomediaries via extensible niches. Dramatically disseminate standardized metrics after resource-leveling processes. Objectively pursue diverse catalysts for change for interoperable meta-services.
Safeguarding consumers and local businesses during covid-19
Safeguarding consumers and local businesses during covid-19
JOHANNESBURG – It comes as no surprise that at a time when the country finds itself at its most vulnerable, there will be companies and individuals that will take the opportunity to profiteer for their own gain and take advantage of the current state of national disaster, finding ways of exploiting consumers by selling Covid-19...
SA businesses fear coronavirus fallout
SA businesses fear coronavirus fallout
Dynamically target high-payoff intellectual capital for customized technologies. Objectively integrate emerging core competencies before process-centric communities. Dramatically evisculate holistic innovation rather than client-centric data.
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